Homework Correction Check
In the current educational environment, in order to better conform to the law of students' physical and mental development, better promote educational equity and improve the quality of education, China's education department has launched the ‘Double Reduction’ policy to reduce students' academic burden and reduce their off-campus training with the aim of building a more harmonious, scientific and sustainable educational ecosystem.
To be concrete, Anqing Foreign Language School has optimized the curriculum and homework assignment. By reducing the amount of unnecessary homework and arranging students' learning time reasonably, we can ensure that students can efficiently complete their learning tasks during school, so as to reduce their academic burden. 
Overall, the Junior High School Division of the east campus organized teaching and research group leaders to inspect students' homework completion and teachers' homework correction. In the meantime, the Junior High School Division paid attention to the assignment of practical homework and useful homework, so as to reduce the burden of students.